J - 15
recovery the 04/05/2024

O livre jogo online Football gestao.

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Registered players : 88 682 - Registrado : 184 - Hoje : 0
Amanha : 0 - Jogadores Online : 1
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Os melhores
RCT 11478.3 Pts
Atletico Madrid349.3 Pts
FcYangon332.96 Pts
Manchester City325.65 Pts
The Green Angel...322.52 Pts
Equipes classificacao:
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1)      x5RCT 11lesebSUPER ELITE478.361.291 jours
2)     Atletico Madridjereminho3SUPER ELITE349.323.381 jours
3)    FcYangonChristofeSUPER ELITE332.9690.5Aujourd'hui
4)      x7Manchester CityRatchetSUPER ELITE325.6511 jours
5)    The Green AngelsflanaganSUPER ELITE322.5250.681 jours
6)    mikmucmikmucSUPER ELITE31858.343 jours
7)    FC HOTHAThothatELITE312.4243.681 jours
8)    A.S RomaTotti10SUPER ELITE303.13114.251 jours
9)    AthleticYesteSUPER ELITE288.05116.621 jours
10)  BranlitosloupapelouSUPER ELITE272.210.491 jours
11)    x10RedStar31S57DSUPER ELITE271.27120.072 jours
12)  ArsenaljazzSUPER ELITE257.782.491 jours
13)  AlfootredAlfoncetSUPER ELITE255.2684.891 jours
14)  floride teamflorideSUPER ELITE255.1933.592 jours
15)  FC Saint MihielloubloubeSUPER ELITE254.763.682 jours
16)  IDARIS TeamIDARIS72SUPER ELITE252.0655.742 jours
17)  TeamNiko17axel17SUPER ELITE250.1858.521 jours
18)  MP TEAMMP34ELITE245.535.463 jours
19)  Colombus CrewOkochaSUPER ELITE241.4164.841 semaine
20)  Liverpool F.CWillou06ELITE239.63108.635 jours
